How to update ETKA 8.0 to ETKA 8.1 Update 1245

Has someone yet found a solution to update ETKA 8.0 to 8.1? This concerns, both the German and the international version. The German Version comes with the VW update 1240.

When ETKA is updated to version 8.1, the error code might pop up, such as:

" no valid ETKA Installation found" "Installation will now Exit"

or “there is no Etka 8.0 installed on your system”


And no worries!

Here are good tips and guides confirmed to work for some one.

Have a try and you’ll find your way.


Tip 1:

people mix in discussion international and country versions.
the versions are different and you can't mix them.
at this time only the country version need update to 8.1 after 1241.
without having 8.1 you can't update 1242 and so on

international version don't need it till now


Tip 2:

update 1242 (and now 1243 and 1244) + etka 8.0 is possible.

Using etka torrent from rutracker + algeni loader.
Etka 8.0 isn't asking for 8.1 update. Let's see long will it work.
1244 could be last one with 8.0!SYkRVBIC!qFYjI7Grw_Mv2OaRgd4eYthKcIyz6ACuYSYss8rbGGM


Tip 3:

  1. Vorraussetzung: Der Ordner "C: \ ETKA \ PROG \ IX \" ist in Ihrem ETKA-Ordner verfügbar.2. Kopieren Sie den Inhalt des Ordners "C: \ ETKA \ PROG \ IX \ PROG \" nach "C: \ ETKA \ PROG1 \" und überschreiben Sie die vorhandenen Dateien.

    3. Kopieren Sie den Inhalt des Ordners "C: \ ETKA \ PROG \ IX \ DATA" nach "C: \ ETKA \ DATA" und überschreiben Sie die vorhandenen Dateien.

    4. Kopieren Sie den Inhalt des Ordners "C: \ ETKA \ PROG \ IX \ PROG \" nach "C: \ ETKA \ PROG2 \" und überschreiben Sie die vorhandenen Dateien.


Works fine.

Tested on Windows 7 32bit and Windows 10 64bit


IMPORTANT: for sake of security, youre advised to use the ETKA 7.5 tested version.

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