Kess V2 (red board) reviews from a real professional

A lot of Kess V2 (red board) reviews and ideas from a real professional @euromod:
... just observe the pcb and random choose some parts on Kess V2 red board , then search them on tme / farnell / etc and also search for the same part on alibaba or similar china site. you will see different markings , labels of the clone parts .... and .... prices 

but you already know that , I`m sure ...

here are some examples , 

in green fake , SK14
in green fake UL46
in green fake 27E diode
left side , fake 5V voltage regulator, 
in green , fake 3.3V voltage regulator. in this picture you can observe also the genuine ST L9613B Kline interface
other genuine parts mounted 
genuine Murata oscillator (on PCB) vs fake one
I have on another PC all the comparative photos because I used to rework this units. 

.... anyway I will stop here because it`s a waste of time debating on this subject.

if you state that those clones are made with genuine parts (or the cloned parts are working like the genuine ones) I have no problem with that
Edit to update: just search for the parts I posted , fake Murata logo , fake ST logo , fake Texas Instruments logo. 

mate , please feel free to send one of those parts via post mail to the original producer and you will have the right answer....

... as with all clones from opcom to ktag I don`t trust nobody and when possible I replace all parts with good parts from a good brand and trusted part supplier trying to minimize potential problems. 

you defend the low cost parts saying also that those parts are not illegal ...

.... how about the clones build from these parts? are they legal? 

on the other hand just do an firmware upgrade on this , and you will see how genuine is ....
and the genuine unit cost 10 euros ... (more then the whole cinese opcom , factory price is 2$ if you buy more. they can put your name on the IC , no problem)

the genuine part:
Credits to euromod
Reliable source to get Kess V2 red: